Friday, May 29, 2009

It is Friday morning.... the start of my three day weekend. I'm sitting on my bed sipping a cup of tea, with Scout my cat right beside me, close, snuggling. Scout only has one little marble in his brain, not sa much smart, but he is adorable.. and Zoe my sweet weensie little cat - aka The Boss. She is pretending not to care whether I pet her or not. To my right, is August, my yellow lab who is finally able to relax knowing I'm really, really going to be home today. Aaaand... at the foot of the bed is Beatrice our border collie- aka Little Miss Can't Be Wrong. She is S.M.A.R.T. and knows where we keep the T.R.E.A.T.S. Secretly she unlocks the cupboard where they are and hands them out to the other animals during the day... I'm sure of it. They probably have to perform tricks for her... Anyway>>>It is such a beautiful morning and I here I sit, listening to the sounds of the neighborhood waking up. Birds are chirping, dogs barking in the distance, laughter from the church camp that is a block from our home. Life is indeed good. I have so many choices for my day... do I want to bake bread? Plant flowers? putter in my flower garden? Me thinks I will do it all... and so much more. I feel so alive. Happy Happy Friday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An exciting night in Biscuit

Yea, well, so last night Will and Dave were volunteering for a service organizataion that Dave belongs to, which meant that I had the evening to myself. After work I dashed to the gym and arrived home a little after 6:00 p.m.

So, did I go meet my girlfriends for a glass of wine?
Did I pick up a book, pour a glass of wine and sit in my glorious back yard?
Diiiid I sit in my hot tub?


I cleaned out my fridge. From.Top.To. Bottom.

and now? It is like a piece of art work.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I TOTALLY FORGOT TO MENTION THAT I AM UP TO 35 MINUTES ON THE ELIPTICAL MACHINE AT THE GYM. (now if only I could start to see the changes....).

27 days and counting till we leave for Hawaii

Dave – My Rock!
Will – My sweet, sweet 17 year old.
Flowers in my back yard
My J.O.B.
Friends – I’m so blessed.
Summer Weather
BBQ’ing in our back yard

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Okay, Let me tell you about my hell - I belong to a service organization and I'm on the scholarship committee. The last time I spoke in public… on a stage…in front of 200 people was… um… in 19.... NEVER. I was miserable tonight. I had to present a “special” scholarship for a very deserving Senior at our local high school. He is in NHS, Captain of the Varsity Baseball team, and just a all around great kid. I was doing great, chatting it up with the other members of the scholarship committee, planning our strategy and then while on stage waiting to present, I was still feeling fine... riiiight up until I reached the podium. I think I blacked out. My body started to sweat, I had rivers of sweat running down my back, I thought to myself.. no I'm not going to pass out... I'm going to THROW UP. THEN? THEN? my voice revolted against my brain and started shaking so hard, it sounded like I was going to cry. I’m sure it went something like this:

Thisisaspecialshcolarshiptoanincredible individual…yadayadayada shaky voice… apology… clearing of throat…something or another about his academics and sports…(wiping sweat from my forehead) has a good heart…honored on behalf of K****** topresentthisaward to Travis S.

I can only imagine him sitting in his seat… and when I called out his name.. he was thinking.. Good Lord... why me… I have to go up and accept a scholarship from EMO GIRL? It took him what seemed like a lifetime to get to the stage, he hugged me and I seriously contemplated holding on to him, following him off the stage and dashing to my car. I was still in a full blown sweat and thought I was going to pass out. Might I mention that my hair was soaking wet from sweat and sweat was showing thru my shirt? Huh? Huh? How bout them apples? Oh... and I had to hand out 8 more scholarships after that. (Another side note to this... My boss was in the audience).

The only other scenarios that would have made it remotely worse would be if I had had a wardrobe malfunction, or if I had actully thrown up, passed out and peed on the way down.