Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Gosh, 4 whole blog posts in 2008. I amaze even myself. and... leeeets... see... its the end of April 2009. Yep. I'm a back sliding blogger.

Here is my Gratitude List for today:

My husband Dave - who promised to always love and cherish me... and does.
Will -- my sweet, kind, loving 17 year old who continues to make me laugh harder than anyone.
Aaron-- I know you like me.
Whitney -- I know you love me and we "get" each other Sista..
My girlfriends - JenJen, Ang and Anna - The little sisters I never wanted.
Smoking a cigar, drinking wine in the hot tub with Dave after a loooong day at work...
A little Shout Out to my friend Teresa - Thanks for finding me. I won't let you get away again.

Things I don't like:

The wind.
The wind.
The wind.
Did I mention I don't like wind? (Or clowns or mayonaisse... but thats a different story).
