Monday, August 28, 2006

Taking Motrin for a tooth ache is like going to war with a water pistol.

Okay… I pride myself in the fact that I have a high threshold of pain. Maybe, just maybe with the events of last week, that highly touted threshold of pain was compromised.
So, one of the lessons learned is: Don’t listen when the well intentioned dental office staff tells you that a root canal procedure is something you can have done in the morning and be able to go to work when its finished. It’s a big fat fib. When I arrived at the dentist office, the first think I noticed was a truck that looked exactly like my husbands truck. Upon entering the office, my sweet, crazy busy, but not too busy for me husband was waiting for me. He said that he wanted to be able to drive me back to work and we could figure out my vehicle later. He knew that I would poo poo the idea of him taking time off from work to be with me for a silly RC.. but in the back of my mind, I was thinking.. how bad can this be? After an hour of having my tooth worked on and having to be “juiced up” with pain meds twice. I can tell you that its not as “simple as having a tooth filled” which is what I read on the internet. Dave drove me back to work. Upon arriving in my office, it was apparent that my fellow work mates had not seen me with a swollen jaw before or in that much pain. My boss said that I needed to go home or he would drive me home. Chris said he would take me to get my RX.. which by the way, was for 800 mg of Motrin. I got my RX, Chris drove me to my vehicle because I swore I was okay to drive home safely. 800 mg’s of Motrin doesn’t begin to dull the pain, but 800 mg’s of Motrin and two glasses of wine seems to do the trick.

Friday, August 25, 2006

That Damn Tooth

I woke up PAIN FREE this morning. WTF??? Must be the antibiotics kicking in. Doesnt matter, I'm off to the dentist in about 3o minutes to have my root canal.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Okay... so the toothache I thought was associated with the sinus infection, bronchitis, asthma event is not inflamation of my gums from the above mentioned. Nope. I could not stand it any longer and I called my dentist this morning. After x-rays and poking and prodding of said tooth, it seems that this tooth was dying, and because my immune system is low due to the above mentioned ailments, I now need to get a root canal --tomorrow morning. I'm rethinking how wonderful the whole weekend of cigar smokng and drinking was.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

White Lies

Tuesday August 22nd, 2003

I went to the Dr. today for my sinus problem. After tapping on my cheek bones, and checking my lungs for the 4th time. My Dr. asked me if I smoked ( uh... no). Does anyone at your house smoke? ( No). Seems I have bronchitis, sinus infection and acute, or as I call it "darling" asthma. There was no way that I was going to tell my Dr. how I spent the weekend drinking and smoking cigars. I left the Dr.'s office with RX's for 10 Days of antibiotics, a rescue inhaler and steroidal inhaler....Damn those cigars were good!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Jack Tacos

Monday August 21st, 2006

I feel like shit today. Sinus stuff going on. And because Mr. Sinus might be lonely, his cousin Asthma came for a visit too. I'm just that good. Chris brought me two Jack in the Box tacos for lunch and an attena ball. ( thanks my dear friend). I feel better already.
Life in Biscuit

Happy Hours.

My weekend was eventful. Friday night Dave and I had a "happy hour" party at our house that started at 5:00 and lasted until well after midnight. At midnight, I went to check on Dave, and found him asleep in bed. Both the boys were in bed and Chris was passed out on the couch with Will's ipod in his ear,listening to the OJ's "Love Train" on continuous loop. Will had thoughtfully plugged it in so that the battery would not go dead. Chris hummed love train all thru breakfast. I went back out the patio where my remaining die hard friends wanted to carry on and smoke cigars...I started turning off the patio lights. Everyone stumbled to their cars. Saturday was nice, we fixed a nice Ecuadorian dinner in honor of our exchange student Daniel, Sunday I didnt feel well. I think I might have a sinus thing going on because my teeth feel like they are going to burst out of my head. Probably has nothing to do with all the cigars I smoked and wine I consumed.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Nacho's and Football

I attended the 1st pre-season Cardinal Football game vs. Pitt. Steelers on Saturday in Glendale, Arizona in the new Cardinals Arena. I sat next to a Steelers fan, who was really nice... until I was eating nacho's and I accidently (I swear), touched his leg and smeared nacho cheese on his pants.