Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February Birthday!

Let me start by saying that today is th 16th of Feb.....and.... I turn another year older in 8 days. I've never been a Birthday Party kind of gal .. my Dave and I have traveled during my birthday for the past 12 years. And with that....Last year, we were just getting ready to leave for Hawaii and my son drove out to my office and sat on the back stoop and told me how sad it makes him that he hasn't been able to celebrate my birthday with me. Yep, this year we are staying home. On the 20th, we are having all my (precious) friends over for a par tay! I'm not certain why I feel so uncomfortable about Birthday gatherings for myself, but I do. I just want to gather with friends, eat a wonderful meal, drink lots of wine, smoke a cigar or two and call it good.